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Do you struggle to understand your intuition?
Are you confused about what Intuition REALLY is & What it isn’t?
Tire of not being able to make sense of it all?
You are Not Alone!
I was once there too!
In 1987 I discovered my intuition only to flounder with it for years!
Until I discovered the secret to unlocking & activating intuition at a high level!
I’m here to teach you how to Unlock, Activate & Super Charge your Intuition Quickly & Easily!
You want to Deepen Your Natural Psychic Abilities
Use what you learn to Enhance your Life and Business
Have a Desire to become a Professional as a Psychic Reader & Coach
Called to Step Up & Be a Leader in this Field
This is the most comprehensive Psychic Training Program on the Market today! Often imitated but never replicated! The FloraSage Institute was the FIRST Professional Certification to teach Ethics to its students, starting in 2010! Other programs have you learn “their” system. I teach you how to easily discover your Own Natural Reading Style by explore many different divination methods and the “Framework” for a Professional Psychic and Ethical reading. I guarantee you will discover your reading style easily and have loads of fun doing it.
Learn the most Sought after Trade Secrets for an Accurate Reading Every time!
Gain the Confidence & Tools needed to Thrive as a Reader!
Listen to the lessons on Your Lunch Break!
Become Certified in Less than Two Months!
The Classes are Quick, Fun & Easy!
*By enrolling in the program you acknowledge that you Agree to our Terms, Policies & Procedures.
Learn from Internationally Acclimated Spiritual Business Mentor, Mindset Coach, six-time Author & Intuition Expert, Flora Sage.
She has been described as a “Spiritual Maverick” and a Pioneer in teaching Ethics in the Psychic Arts. Her work has been featured in major news outlets; Huffington Post, New York Times and Bloomberg to name a few.
The Professional Ethical Psychic Development Program is Flora’s flagship program. Opening the doors to this program in early 2010, it sells out every time with people who want to master their intuition once and for all.
Read her complete story below and listen to why she is so passionate about helping people unlock their Intuition.
My first intuitive hit was at the age of 12 with the Prophetic insight of my Moms death. Fast forward to age 26 when I had another insight of a child dying but didn’t put the pieces together. A few days later was told my friend was shot, her son was murdered & her shooter committed suicide.
Feeling like I was responsible for her sons death, overwhelmed with grief & quite frankly pissed off at “God” & the rest of the “Peeps” that were up there… I told my “Peeps” I was going to shut off my intuition!
And I Did!
For almost three years I ignored my intuition. During that time my life was a train wreck! I had an affair with a married man, moved across the country, got married (not to him) & divorced, got hired & got laid off!
Feeling frustrated, tired & confused I gave everything I owned away, packed up what little I had left & moved to South Africa with my two young boys!
After three months in South Africa, my life was just as messy & chaotic as it was in America. I was sad, lonely, confused, frustrated & felt more disconnected that ever before! I felt utterly hopeless & helpless & knew something needed to change.
One gloomy, cloudy day at the beach with my kids I looked up to the sky and said….
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“Peeps, please come back. I can’t do this on my own.
Please teach me how to use my Intuition &
how to help others to do the same.
Help me Simplify my life & guide me to help others
so they will never feel as hopeless or helpless as I have felt!”
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From there I moved back home & haven’t stopped asking for help from my “Peeps” and Intuition. After several months of working with the Law of Attraction, I was awarded a full scholarship to attend college to begin my transformation.
I went on to earn my Bachelors degree, many Life Coaching Certificates & Became a Certified Psychic.
Learn the most Sought after Trade Secrets for an Accurate Reading Every time!
Gain the Confidence & Tools needed to Thrive as a Reader!
Listen to the lessons on Your Lunch Break!
Become Certified in Less than Two Months!
The Classes are Quick, Fun & Easy!
*By enrolling in the program you acknowledge that you Agree to our Terms, Policies & Procedures.
“Loved this class. I have taken other certifications and this one HAS IT ALL! I loved how you taught us to be in your own energy, clear ego, learn all the different types of divination, and the difference between mediumship and being psychic. I love the new awareness. Thanks Flora”
Julie Lynn Joyce ~ Certified Professional Ethical Psychic & Health Coach
“I have been in school for 20 years now. I have a learned so much during this time and I’ve even earned a doctorate degree. This course and working with Flora, however, has been my absolute favorite. Learning this type of work~Spiriual work~takes your life to a whole new level. When you finish the course, you will be able to help people on a soul level. You can’t learn that at a traditional school. Flora Sage, hands down, is the best teacher and mentor that you will find in this field. She is the real deal.””
Sandra K. Graff ~ Certified Professional Ethical Psychic
“The classes are fun, informative and the exercises bring the details together. The confidence, growth and lessons learned are amazing. I can truly say that this course was life changing. I am so grateful to have found this program. Flora is an amazing teacher and mentor. She was available when additional support and clarification was needed. The pre-recorded classes were fun, packed full of information, life experiences and exercises, that have increased my confidence and provided the knowledge to take forward to my own practice. ”
Lisa Glanzel ~ Certified Professional Ethical Psychic & Crystal Healer
“If you are interested in taking the Psychic Certification course, DO IT! I highly recommend it! Thank you so, so much Flora for the opportunity to grow in this facet of my Purpose! I cannot thank you enough! And to all the other future Certified Ethical Intuitive Consultants out there: Good Luck!! It’s a wonderful journey!”
Charlie Nichols ~ Certified Professional Ethical Psychic & Spiritual Empowerment Coach
“If you are looking for major growth and you are willing to do the work. You are ready, do this for yourself. Flora holds her students to high standards. As she should, the energy she gives to each student and every class should be returned with hard work and dedication. What you receive from this course will be so much more than you could possibly fathom. It is much more than just developing your intuition and becoming a reader. The exponential growth you will receive by doing the work, is invaluable. She is ethical, empowering, and genuine. If you are ready to step into your power, grow, and live your truth. Then sign up, join me and the other alumni in the Inner Circle and on Facebook. Grab a notebook, pen, and journal and get ready to amaze yourself! The possibilities are endless!
I received more support than I ever thought possible. I plan on being a student of Flora’s for at least another year or two. I am honored to be associated with such an amazing spiritual thinker/leader. I believe so strongly in Flora and what she teaches I will gladly discuss this course and the others I will be taking. She is the real deal. I know some folks have been burned by readers and coaches. I can promise you, this is legit. Flora gives so much of herself to us, her students. If you join this class I hope to be seeing you around The Inner Circle and our wonderful Facebook group soon! ”
Brooke Dedmon ~ Certified Professional Ethical Psychic
“I have been gifted as a psychic since a young age. I have always known that I am here to assist others. This matured into my career path as a Spiritual Counselor and a Transpersonal Therapist. I wanted the official certification, as I have been doing readings for years without being officially certified. I also felt it important to support Flora and her business, as I think it is marvelous. One of powerful changes I saw because of this course was the focus of establishing my own business and finally making it happen more “officially” website etc. As I have done my business for years by word of mouth, and I want to take it to another level. I am so grateful that she offered this course and that she was willing to support the students who are certified through her! Fabulous! I hope to take the Coaching Certification course next time around. Much Love to you Flora!!”
Mary Bear-Rittenmeyer ~ Certified Professional Ethical Psychic
“A deeply respected mentor and teacher of mine pulled me aside after an intuition workshop she offered and voiced her recognition of my talent and gifts. She encouraged me to pursue cultivating them more formerly. In response to her affirmation I realized becoming a Certified Ethical Intuitive Consultant would offer the perfect medium in which to offer my gifts. So I signed up for Flora’s Class. My favorite part of the Certification Process was being a part of other people’s readings and seeing how different all our gifts are. It allowed me to accept how unique what I have to offer is and finally let go of comparison. I highly recommend this course for anyone who would like to become more in touch with their own connection to Source and the guidance ever present to them. As well as for those interested in taking the first steps toward sharing their gift with others in a professional setting.”
April Noriega ~ Certified Professional Ethical Psychic
“I’ve always loved reading cards but I was always doing it from a very lineral left brained perspective. I was interested in taking this certification course to further explore my intuition and to gain insight from someone who is well versed in intuitive readings. I have released HUGE ego blocks. Telling myself I wasn’t psychic, even though I was receiving multiple intuitive hits every single day. I would just write them off as strange coincidence or lucky guesses. My advice would be, to anyone reading this…If you’re really serious about becoming a reader and/or you just want to get more in touch with your intuition, GO FOR IT! I was unsure before I signed up for this course, but something just told me to go for it. I wouldn’t take this experience back for the world. I’m so glad I took this course. And I know you will be too. I just really appreciate this experience! Flora is an amazing teacher. The friends I’ve made in the class are such beautiful. I’m so grateful to have lined up with such an amazing experience <3”
Sarah Wood ~ Certified Professional Ethical Psychic
“Thank you so much for having this class Flora! This has been truly life changing! I really want to take your level 2 class! Though hearing what it intales I think it’s REALLY going to take me out of my comfort zone. But that’s a good thing. So I will be looking forward to that 🙂 I really appreciate you. I’m so grateful that we crossed paths I cant even explain to you how significantly the information you have provided has changed my life. You are a truly beautiful being and I’m just so thankful for this experience. I’m really looking forward to more classes with you in the future” ~ Michelle
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“I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your class. It was absolutely amazing and confidence-building I would love to take another class from you someday, possibly the Year and a Yay! class. Thank you so much for everything!” ~ Jessika S.
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“Thank you so very much for this opportunity! It has been a tremendous three months of personal growth and discovery!” ~ Carolyn
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“Flora’s Intuitive Certification is amazing! I learned so much in this class, expanded past my perceived boundaries, and grew into a confident reader for not just myself but others as well. Flora is very knowledgeable in the process of expanding your intuition so that you can better get accurate information, I have taken other intuition building courses and read psychic ability books but I learned so much from Flora! I highly recommend this course to everyone! ” ~ Katie
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“Flora’s Developing Your Intuition Certification Course is the perfect way to develop your intuition in the comfort of your own home at your own convenience. The course offers everything you need to awaken or sharpen your intuition whether your goal is to improve your own personal life or to help to others improve theirs. She does this through fun exercises, activities and meditations and gives you everything you need to fully develop the intuitive skills you were born with. She also shares with you everything you will need should you choose to use your newly developed skills to open your own business. Her bubbly, conversational teaching style makes the course fun as well as instructional. If you have been considering taking a course like this, choose Flora’s. I promise you, you won’t be sorry!”
~ K. Madsen
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“Being part of Flora’s Developing Your Intuition Mentoring Program was amazing!! Each class was packed full of useful and valuable information, not to mention the wonderful exercises and meditations we did during class. The homework provided me with some fantastic insights and also gave me tools I know I’ll be using the rest of my life. We learned SO much in these classes – everything from meeting and talking with our spirit guides, to hands-on experience using various reading techniques, to ethical practices of doing this work… and so much more! Taking these classes has been an invaluable experience for me.” ~Gin
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“This was a great class and I have learned so many tools that continue to help me on my journey and work!! Thank you Flora!!” ~Catherine
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“I cannot say how grateful I am to have found this class. It has helped me in my understanding of what is happening in my life and how some of my blocks are affecting me. This class has helped me to step outside of my comfort zone and be a better resource for those I help. It also showed me new ways that I can ethically help others. I highly recommend this class to anyone interested in expanding their natural gifts.” ~ Sarah
FloraSage Institute & Its Certification Programs are Accredited by The World Metaphysical Association. Flora’s Psychic Abilities have been tested & verified by Bob Olson